Wash day is usually triggered by one of two things: out of diapers for day care (aka minimally stained velcro diapers) or the diaper pail stinks to high heaven. Our "diaper pail" is actually a step trash can lined with a Wahmies pail liner that can be washed with the diapers. Since we still use disposable wipes much of the time, we actually have a trash bag in half of the pail.
Yes, I'm literally putting my dirty laundry on the interwebz |
Clearly I'm a professional photographer |
When it's time to wash diapers, I take the whole bag o' diapers down to our laundry room and dump them all in the washer. We have a Samsung WF350, which has a spin and rinse cycle. I turn on the spin and rinse on cold and "no spin," which I guess then just technically makes it a rinse cycle. My thinking behind the no spin is to get some water in the diapers to a) help rinse out what's in the diapers and b) increase the weight for the next cycle so it'll have more water too. I don't use any detergent for this cycle.
Once the rinse and spin is done (it takes 9 minutes), I use the heavy duty cycle on warm/cold (and sometimes hot/cold depending on how bold I'm feeling). I use a scoop of Charlie's soap in the wash. The heavy duty cycle takes like 2 hours. Oy. Once it's done, that's it for washing.
I either put the diapers in the dryer on low using the timer setting (the sensor always thinks they're dry before they really are) or put them out on the line. Any stains that have persisted through the wash cycle (there seem to be more since C started on vitamins, but I could just be imagining that's the cause) have always disappeared in the sun.
The best piece of advice I've ever heard about wash routines is once you find one that works, stick with it. I have been tempted by the siren song of other detergents or others' wash routines, but then I remember how easy mine is and how well it works for me and my washer and my water type and all those other variables that come into play. I know it's perverse, but I kind of love diaper laundry.