- C has had formula
- C has eaten homemade baby food that was not perfectly pureed
- C has had store-bought baby food
- C slept in our room one night, and we couldn't take it, so he moved to his own room his second night, and has been a champ of a sleeper, for the most part
- We've let him cry at night
- We had him circumcised
- We use cloth diapers
- I forgot his bag full of dirty diapers at day care yesterday, and it sat in my hot car all day today. Nothing says "end of the work day" like the smell of hot poo.
- I had Stadol during labor
- I work full time
- We're having him vaccinated on the AAP schedule, and when the time comes, I plan on him getting the HPV vaccine
- C and I listen to NPR on the way to day care
- (which logically leads to) C goes to day care
There are plenty of things I've forgotten, and there are plenty of things that make me a crappy person in general. But I do know that I'm raising a child I love; that I'm doing my research (with or without the scientific method); that he's the happiest little boy in the world (see Exhibit A below); and I haven't killed him. Happy 8 month "birthday," buddy.
Love always,
Your crappy mom